Meggy (Rosabel's sis) recommended that we check out the place since she knew that our family would appreciate it.
YEZ -- Da Cui's are HARSH animal lovahs.
We welcome all kinds -- hippos, cheetahs, yordis, joses, lanis, makosharks, lettylechons........ --- bwahahahahaha!
Anyway, she was absolute-ti-doo right as we had a blast feedin' the Koi for like 20 pesos a small mineral water bottle size.
Check out Zozy's "Feedin pose" pic below!!
The guy who owns the place is some Chinese dude of course.
In case ya didn't know, the Chinese consider the KOI as very lucky fishies.
They are very expensive fishies too!!
The huge ones cost like Php 250,000 smackeroos!!!
You can start off with the small ones though, if your budget isn't too Imeldamarcosy. The small ones cost around Php 100 to 200.
It's such a blast to feed them coz they jump all over the place and over each other. There's nothin like startin' an all out feedin' frenzy.
Anyway, we got a "Frequent Feeder Card" which is kinda cool. If you complete the card -- you get a baby koi. And after you complete 3 cards -- you get 3 baby koi and a fishbowl.
Yeah -- yeah--- it's cheaper to buy one of the Php100 koi right away.
Ya gotta admit though -- it's kinda special to receive a KOI just by trippin out and feedin fishies.
But that's another story ... coz the Koi are starting to complain........