Happy 88th Bday Bita!!!
The pic above is truly one for the ages. (Thanks Janlo for the pic!)
She was soooo soooo happy!!
We actually planned a bigger surprise bongga party the week earlier. Sadly however, Typhoon Milenyo made a mess of that one.
It didn't matter though coz' Bita was still surprised!!
We had a grand olde time with the usual tasty Conti's fare, a Beautiful Video Presentation (BVP) by Chiara, a kick-ass HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL - "Breaking Free" song and dance number by the great grandkids - Marga, Fras, Martin, Anton and Zachy, a WEIRD?? song and dance number by yours truly and Andre (B-I-T-A | B-I-T-A) and some really short --- SHORT -- speeches by the brothers - Tito Jojo, Pops, Tito Chiqui and Tito Peque. Save perhaps for Tito Luis' speech which kept referring to the Crazy 88's from Kill Bill. (Don't ask me why.... hehehehe! :) )
The cherry on top was the big screen and Infocus that I "borrowed" from the office over the weekend. (Thanks Boss!)
The oldies ended up watching ENGLEBERT HUMPERDINK's Live Concert DVD for the rest of the afternoon. Man, that guy's pretty good!!
Please ......Release me.............Let me go........
Click here for more pics of "Bita's Surprise 88-Take 2" courtesy of Janlo.
We luv ya Bits!!!