Saturday, July 07, 2007


Benjor, Joey Kilayko and I watched URCC X the other week.

It was wicked!!!

The WUSHU guys led By Kevin Belingon and Eduard Folayang upset the well-loved and heavily favored URCC vets Richard Lasprilla and Allan Co respectively.


Here are some clips that I posted over at ye olde YOUTUBE:

URCC X - (Short Clip.1) Allan Co vs. Eduard Folayang

URCC X - (Short Clip.2) Allan Co vs. Eduard Folayang

URCC X - (Short Clip) Richard Lasprilla vs. Kevin Belingon

And all of the other fights were great!!

It was so exciting that I couldn't find time to take a pee once the fights started!!

The fight between Terminator Tagakay and Taku Nishimura was a nice one too!!
Tagakay won the bout with his heavy fists but Taku was really entertaining with his crowd-pleasing antics and smile.
(Smiling in d'URCC??? U betcha!)

Here's to the next URCC!!
Congrats again to Alvin Aguilar for a great event!

Check out HOCHI's Multi Site for great pics of the event.
Click here for more info on URCC X via MMA Manila.