Unbelievable GOOGLE Maps "Street View" of Lombard "The Crookedest" St., San Francisco, CA USA.

Now available in 5 Google Map USA cities.
San Francisco, Miami, Denver, Las Vegas and New York.
So simple and easy to use.
Just click on any blue outlined street and/or drag the orange dude in Google Maps.
INSTANT "TELEPORTATION" to any street corner in the 5 cities above.
The street image gives you a
360 degree view -- Ladies and Gents --- 360 degree view....of your location.
You can then click on any of the N-S-W-E arrows to move up and down.
The feel you get is like walking up and down a street.
So if you ever wanted to visit...
San Francisco, Miami, Denver, Las Vegas and New York.
HERE's your chance!!
Byebye airfare.
Checx out the ultra cool technology behind Google Street View.
One of my fave San Fran Sites.

Thanks Maks!
My 2 alma maters playin' against each other.
Ateneo did a good job.
They almost won against SFU.
Chris Tiu scorched the twine with like 27 points or somethin.
It was pretty cool to see Ateneo playin' over at Vancouver, BC.
The Ateneo (Vancouver edition) fanatics came out in full force too!
Tito Gigi Francisco did a great blue babble/Fabilioh cheer.
Although all you could see was his back durin' the clip.