"Lebron James put together one of the most spectacular performances in playoff history, lifting the Cleveland Cavaliers to the verge of their greatest season.
James' career playoff-high 48 points -- including his team's final 25 and 29 of its final 30 -- carried Cleveland within a win of the NBA finals for the first time in franchise history with a 109-107 double-overtime victory over the Detroit Pistons on Thursday night." - Yahoo Sports
Where the BAD BOYS D-FENSE at?!???
Bill Laimbeer, Rodman and Rick Mahorn would have clobbered Lebron's butt - if he had driven down the lane like dat during their time.
Sheeshhh...there goes my 100 pesos...
Big BETTOR - THAT I am -... bwehehehehe!
There's still Game 6 though!!!
Holy Cow.
Another EXQUISITE LIVE perfomance by MUSE!
Matt Bellamy actually played the classical piano part???
I thought they hired a session pianist/keyboardist during the recording of Butterflies and Hurricanes.
(For some reason....they named the song "Bliss" for this performance)
Thank goodness for YOUTUBE!!!
Speakin' of YOUTUBE.
Check out the amazin' XEVIFOO who did a g-rrreat job in copying the drummin' on Stockholm Syndrome!
He also turbo-drums to other songs too!
Like the super-hard-to-drum-along EVERLONG (by the Foo Fighters)!
Whatta sick drummmer!
Sana ... one day... you can drum like that....Mr. Makoshark! :)