So what did you think of Spidey 3?

I liked Spidey 2 way better.
The TMNTurtles Movie was a bit more enjoyable...
And don't even COMPARE 300 to Spidey 3......
It just didn't have that UUMPH for me.
T'was too long...
The Sandman dude wasn't that interesting....
The 'New Goblin' = Some weird kid on a flying snowboard (Ho Hum..)
Venom was cool though.
Furthermore, I got a bad case of the ZZZZZ's whenever Peter's Aunt gave those old' heart to heart life lessons....ZZZZZZ...
And dangnabbit, didya notice all the moles on Tobey Maguire's face during closeups?
Freekee'! M-m-m-mole!
Oh well, the action parts and fight scenes were still exciting...
Plus - the sequences where Peter Parker gets "VENOMIZED" and does all the disco-dancing/chick boy stuff were hilarious!!
All in all, it wasn't THAT bad....
It was just
Now on to the next '07 blockbuster!!