She always wanted to go "white water rafting".
Well, it wasn't really "white-water rafting".
It was more like "white hot fun and bruises".
We left da house real early at 530am to avoid all the traffic that builds up around the Laguna Towns (especially Los Banos!!) headin' in to Pagsanjan, Laguna.
And lo and behold, we got to Hotel La Corona, Pagsanjan at 7am!!
Sarap.. no traffic .. twas' a mucho relaxing drive.
I actually reserved a "banca" for us a week ago from the La Corona HQ over in Manila. A great convenience in case there are wild bunches of turistas.
Another nice thing about going thru La Corona is that there is ample and safe parking space for your ride.
Purr-fect for a day trip.
So anyways....after a quick change to our "swimsuits",
we donned our life vests,
readied our nifty KODAK Underwater/Water Resistant "FILM' Camera,
(yes-- FILM!! Hahahahaha! No way was I going to risk our precious Digital Camera)
and hopped on to our "gondola".

The first part of the upriver journey is pleasant and placid.
You get to check out the serene river life..
Like the river lilies, river fishermen, river bathers, river laundrywomen, river kangkong, river kalabaws..

Too much serenity may sleep ya.....
So our guide lassoed HIMSELF on to another boat which had a motor in order to get us to the real fun parts faster....

To get to the Falls, ya gotta pass by lotsa stuff...
Like the numerous rocks and huge boulders - deftly avoided by the Super Bangkeros....

The towering, magnificent and beautiful canyons...

The "Rest" Station -- aka -- '"Boss-- bili naman kayo ng chicken and Coke for your boatmen with accompanying awa effect"...
-- duh? Tourist Trap

And of course, the loneliest Tourist Center in the Philippines....

After almost 1 hour of traversing and travailing...
You hear the violent rush of falling water....

Now here's where it gets white hot exciting...
You can pay an additonal P90 pesos for a raft ride where you can actually go inside the cave behind and underneath the Pagsanjan Falls...

I SOOOO regretted not bringing a camera the last time we went under with my workmates
Well, not anymore!
Coz' I came ready with ye olde Water Resistant up to 50 m Camera!!
Here we go!!!
Onward To The Falls!!





I never mentioned to Rosabel that the falling water pressure was kinda unbelievable.
I guess I should have warned her.
She thought her head was going to be chopped off.
She was like --
"Is this right? Is this right? Do they subject our tourists to this torture?"
Sorry hon..... :(
Anyways, you can go swimming around the falls and in the cave.
You can even use the raft rope to get near the falls and touch the falling water.

You won't be able to look directly into the powerful water fall while getting closer.
Not to mention the awesome sound...
There's also lotsa wind generated by the falling water......
So basically, you feel like you're in one giant typhoon!
During the "Ber months", it would be almost impossible to even go near the falls due to the force of the water and the danger of falling debris.
As per the guides, you would end up stopping at the rest station coz' the water gets too dangerous.
So the best time to go is during the summer months (March to May) where the water ain't that strong....
It sure felt strong to us!!!
Here's a cool shot you never see too often..
"Pagsanjan Falls from Behind"

Yeah right!!
I swear, we felt like we were being pummeled by a bunch of raging WWE Wrestlers and/or WWE Kalabaws!!!!
Rosabel to Guide:
"Woooh mas-sa-he!"
Raft guide:
Pocha tumawa pa.
Peste... :)
It was smooth "mini-mini white water river rafting" going back to La Corona.
We were still kinda aching from the "massage".
But by the end of the day -- it actually felt strangely refreshing
Enter the old adage:
Much cannot be said about the bangkeros who toil through the rocks, the current, the heavy bangka and the pestering tourists just to bring you up to the falls.
I tell you..the work they put in is not commensurate to the standard fees you pay for the ride --
PHP 660.
(Php 500 pesos goes to the Boatmen)
Believe me.. After the trip is done.... you may want to pay them even more for all their superb hard work.