I finally got the chance to eat at the
Isdaan Restaurant located in Gerona, Tarlac.
The sculptures and statues are amazing!

Lotsa KOI

T-REX Sighting!

Nice booty!

Flowing Water Everywhere!

Talk to the Hand

And of course, the famous wall where you can release all your pent-up anger and stress. The TV costs 1,600 to throw.


The resto is owned by the same peeps who own Barrio Fiesta, Singing Waiters etc.
So the food's pretty good! :)
Liked their chicken and BULALO!!
Hmmm.. this bone sorta looks like a.....

Comin' back here with the fam one day.
Am sure they'll love to gander at the statues, koi and all the other attractions. :)
Isdaan RestaurantGerona, Tarlac